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Corona - help and info

CoronaVirus Local links

Emergency Helpline "Home but not alone" 0800 876 6926


There's one foodbank in the area, but they have several outlets  where you can get food. They usually operate a 'referral' scheme – a professional or established agency gives you a voucher of some kind which you take to the appropriate organisation. But Covid-times mean you need to check. 

HELPING LOCAL PEOPLE IN CRISIS - "We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK."

Lowestoft Foodbank

Feed Waveney Community - "to relieve poverty of the people in Lowestoft, and surrounding area’s by the provision of grants, goods, services and hot meals"

For Financial help and advice 0800 068 31 31

Suffolk Info Link CoronaVirus Home Page 

Access Community Trust

"Access Community Trust remains a strong and resilient charity, which is completely committed to delivering support to those that would otherwise find themselves at risk of homelessness or social exclusion"  Covid-19 Help

Access Trust’s PINK Orange service fights back against holiday hunger this Winter - click here

Lowestoft Community Fridge (based at St Andrews in Roman Road) a fresh food scheme

If you are an organisation working in the area of CV support there's this

Local churches and religious groups offer help and advice.

What are the latest figures? These are the BBC latest figures

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