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What’s this about?

Lowestoft Old and Now, focused on the local, embracing the past, changing the present and celebrating the future. A voice and resource centre for the individual and the group. A website created with the community at its core, which reflects the community is made up of a mosaic of overlapping, but independent identities. It’s a community website containing many other community websites which are dynamically linked together. What are the benefits?

 By pooling resources of volunteer time and enthusiasm whilst keeping the group site individual identity the site better serve the community. It brings together a huge range of information and stories which can be connected in multiple ways. It can provide a one stop shop sign, posting local information and events Scenarios a local community group doesn’t have a website Lowestoftoldandnow can provide a set of webpages which look and behave as a separate website uniquely though, stories can be automatically linked to similar stories from other parts of  lowestoftoldnow which creates a rich information laden resource. 

A local community group has its own website. It can feed stories to lowestoft old and now  which it can link to other relevant information and stories already on the site, gatherings of people with a particular interest can create and control stories and information around the interest, for example, local history Key features: dynamic maps on 100s of local subject, including recycling allotments, even where to buy milk  Interactive calendar of events related to information which appears next to every story, local history timeline constantly updated by local eminent  historians and groups supporting local businesses across the site. For example, the virtual High Street stroll explores the heritage of the area simultaneously highlighting local businesses. 

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