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Celebrating Heritage, Promoting Our Future


Image: Maria Demierre, Hugh Davies, John Ellerby

Lowdown Creates Festival Hoedown

Lowestoft's culture zine, Lowdown, took a version of itself to FolkEast (August 17 – 20), and produced three editions in three days, plus a super-fast late-late Final, complete with a World Cup report!

Added: 28 October, 2023
credit:Chelsea Kemp

The Triangle Tavern, home to Green Jack Beers and a juke-box-less front bar,  starts a new season of eccentric Quiz Nights.  

1st prize - the pot

The 2nd Prize – good question

The Cost - £2.00 per person (cash only)

The Teams – max 5 per team, min 1 person . One person teams get automatic 5 bonus points

The Rounds – Five rounds – usually 2 general, 1 single category eg 'science', 1 local, 1 sound or picture.

The Points – 50 questions, 2 points each. Single, half and quarter points may be available on some questions

Added: 5 May, 2024

Venue - transforming our community through the arts

Added: 12 October, 2023

Haydn - Nelson Mass and Missa Brevis in F


Beatus Vir

Added: 7 October, 2023
Marina Theatre

The Marina Theatre is at the cultural heart of the Lowestoft, Waveney and Suffolk community

We deliver a wide range of shows, films, events and community activities, bringing in a diverse range of audiences of around 80,000 per year.

Added: 30 September, 2023
Added: 23 September, 2023

By artist Matt Jones 

Added: 23 September, 2023

An excellent night out, for its time the film even had some special effects! Stephen’s live soundtrack added to the mood. The headphones provided gave an immersive experience and the film story kept us on the edge of our deckchair (no spoilers!)

I would encourage everyone to check out the next Screen on the sands.

For this unique beach cinema experience on the eve of 2022’s Festival, pianist Stephen Horne provides a live, improvised soundtrack to the 1926 silent masterpiece, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans. 

Added: 23 September, 2023

First Light happened! Rain, a thunderstorm, premature burning, stunning kites, magic music, tear-making moments, delicious oysters, some excellent rants, and a beautiful Sunday morning.

I only managed to experience a smidgeon of what was on offer in the 24 hours, but those moments were worthwhile indeed.

Andy Sheppard's evening jazz set, the Shanties, the Coronation Kings (who movingly celebrated Father's day and Lowestoft's amazing musical heritage), and Group A were my particular highlights.

Added: 23 September, 2023

Following today’s article in the Eastern Daily Press and further interest on the Lowestoft Virtual Creative Hub the Spraycation debate has continued. 

For some it has highlighted the disappointment of losing the original Banksy, but for others it has raised the possibility of highlighting the talents of local Street artists. 

The story has already generated a request from a prominent town centre business for another commission from Joe Thompson, which he is currently considering.

Added: 23 September, 2023