Neighbours come together for a protest march... against broken street lights
Lowestoft Journal writes...For two years parts of the A47 in Lowestoft has been plunged into darkness.
Broken street lights have not been fixed by National Highways - despite numerous reports being raised by locals.
Now to highlight the issues a protest march of around one-and-a-half miles is set to take place in the coastal town.
A group of locals said the ongoing situation had become so bad that it was now "an accident waiting to happen."
Added: 19 April, 2024The launch of the highly exciting and innovative SlowWays project has unforunately been postponed, because of Tier 4 restrictions and now the National Lockdown 3 as well as for our general health and safety. More information to follow.
"We had planned to launch in the last week of January 2021, but due to the current situation with Covid-19 are delaying until conditions improve. We will post here as soon as we have a new launch date." SlowWays website
Added: 23 September, 2023Welcome to the Scores Trail. This booklet has been designed to help you understand a little more of Lowestoft history and of the significance of these ancient pathways leading down to the sea. You can find your way around the trial by reading the map in the attached Ledford leaflet or by following the red herring way markers. Lowestoft was originally built on top of the cliffs overlooking the North Sea. The schools that run down these clips were ways to access from the high ground to the beach area.
Added: 23 September, 2023(Darren has ideas on this!) I love Ness Point but I am in minority because I am a nerd and just wax lyrical about all the maths I could do with kids down there - most people don’t appreciate this so I will stop there… but I still want to promote it. Again, another contention because previous MP (BB) did not want to promote ‘Lowestoft: The Most Easterly Town’ nor ‘Ness Point - Britain’s most easterly point’ (Land’s End? S+W John O’Groats? N so why not E?).
Added: 23 September, 2023The Scores are a series of narrow lanes and steep pathways running from Lowestoft High Street to the site of the town's former beach village. They formed a vital link between the town, which was built on a cliff, and the village, which had developed as a result of the fishing industry. With herring one of the most profitable exports, many workers came to live on the High Street and would have used the scores to go and work in the beach village processing fish.
Added: 23 September, 2023I have been thinking a lot about this in lockdown. I only keep marginally sane because I try to walk or cycle by the sea every day. All the research says that most people need timetables/structure to keep exercising and I know that my resolutions easily slip when I don’t HAVE to do it whereas if I know I am meeting someone at a particular time then I keep to it.
Added: 23 September, 2023High Street - Ness Point Circular Walk 1 Distance: 1.4k Difficulty: Easy Terrain: Pavements, concrete Obstacles: Steepish road descent/ascent (Herring Fishery Score - no footpath); galvanised steps (Hamilton Road); ramp (Hamilton Road; crossing busy roads The walk starts at the entrance to Lowestoft's Historic High Street. Cross at the Pelican Crossing, then turn right down Herring Fishery Score (link to article) with the Wheatsheaf pub on your left. The pub's closed for the duration of the CV pandemic.
Added: 23 September, 2023Murmeration over Ellough, Beccles, Suffolk, Thursday 17th Dec 2020. Music by John Ireland
Added: 23 September, 2023We're creating a network of walking routes that connect all of Great Britain's towns and cities. Up for helping us?
Added: 23 September, 2023