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Poster for Bulky Waste Disposal Scheme

Sometimes we have big household items which we need to replace. Quite often the replacements are second-hand, and households are left with large things which are difficult to get rid of, especially if you don't have access to a van or a trailer or something. And so sometimes they get dumped in back alleys or on the street. Fly-tipping. No one wants that.

Lowestoft Town Council has a remedy. They are funding a trial scheme 'Bulky Waste Free Collection and Disposal' service.

Added: 26 October, 2023

East Suffolk Cleansing are responsible for removing litter and fly-tipping, or dumped rubbish, from public land. Public land includes roads, pavements, adopted passageways, council-owned car parks, parks and recreation areas, lay-bys, and so forth. There is no charge for this service.

Officers will clear incidents of fly-tipping on public land as soon as possible, with the majority of incidents being removed within 24 hours of reporting.

Added: 23 September, 2023
Example of fly-tip report page

Seen the result of an obvious fly-tip? Here's how to get it removed.

If it's on public land - back alleys, roadside and so on - Norse will remove it.

If it's on private land, it's up to the owner of the land to report it. 

Have photos and/or map available before you start. The postcode is really helpful.

Click here to take you straight to the page, but read this first.

Added: 23 September, 2023